Oregon Natural Oasis
Focusing on the northwest corner of the home, we identified opportunities for re-grading to keep the foundation dry while creating an incredibly pleasant seating and cooking area. Stormwater from the entire north side of the home was captured and redirected into a naturally lined pond, adding both eauty and wildlife benefit. This pond is designed to overflow into a natural rain garden to encourage stormwater to infiltrate onsite - creating a balanced, wet prairie ecosystem - rather than causing flooding downstream. We feel really good about this one….
An initial landscape design concept for a sustainable-minded couple - looking for native restoration with an aesthetic twist
Permaculture ideas, wildlife, and outdoor spaces with opportunities for cooking, art, and communing with nature …
These clients were nearing retirement-age and recent transplants from California. They knew they didn’t know the nature of our area intimately, but they knew what their vision was: native plants, artistically arranged, for beauty and for wildlife benefit. We worked through a master planning process that evolved with the clients as they learned more about the site and what they liked.
Eliminating the pre-existing lawn was our first step toward creating a more sustainable landscape. The approximately two-acre property offered diverse opportunities for various plant communities. The wooded edges, featuring healthy white pines, provided a lovely backdrop for bird-friendly and visually striking small trees and shrubs such as serviceberry, sumac, and others. We focused on softening the linear nature of the existing plantings with thoughtfully placed woody vegetation, while additional clusters of trees and shrubs were used to screen views and "round out" the lot's corners. Several oaks were planted within the central clearing to anchor the design.
The remaining open spaces were transformed into diverse prairie plantings featuring Wisconsin-native species, tailored to site-specific conditions. South- and west-facing slopes created ideal microclimates for sun-loving natives, allowing us to maximize biodiversity and seasonal interest.
We worked with the site’s natural topography wherever possible, making selective grade adjustments to create safe pathways and flat gathering areas. These adjustments also allowed us to establish distinct planting environments. Rainwater harvesting through a natural pond and rain garden system provided a vital water source for local wildlife while enhancing the site's ecological value.
Where fill was needed, we imported sand to create a unique planting zone which favored sand-loving plants like Lupine.
The clients absolutely love blues and purples and pinks…. and what better than trying create a huge drift of lupine?